HEE visits Headquarter of China Southern Power Grid Guizhou

discussing the implementation of a hydrogen energy infrastructure in Guiyang

HEE is convinced that the transition to a 100% renewable energy society requires the use of hydrogen as the major energy carrier. For this, HEE has developed a concept that helps local decision makers starting the transition to hydrogen while keeping costs for implementation under control. This concept should not only be applied in Germany and Europe but should also be introduced to China.


Based on the framework agreement signed with the municipal government of Guiyang on 28thMarch 2019, HEE will use Guiyang as its starting base in China. A number of projects are planned in the meantime and China Southern Power Grid Guizhou, the local state-owned electricity grid operator, will be one of the most important partners for introducing the HEE concept in Guiyang.


As part of the implementation plan, HEE further introduced the HEE concept to relevant staff of China Southern Power Grid Guizhou in a very open and constructive meeting. HEE is very pleased about the enthusiasm of the people and the support the company is receiving.
